Keyword: news perception

  • Arendt, F., Haim, M., & Beck, J. (2019). Fake News, Warnhinweise und perzipierter Wahrheitsgehalt: Zur unterschiedlichen Anfälligkeit für Falschmeldungen in Abhängigkeit von der politischen Orientierung. [Fake news, warning labels and perceived truth: Differential susceptibility for fake news depending on political orientation.] Publizistik, 64(2), 181-204.

  • Haim, M. (6/2018). Akkurat, objektiv, unlesbar? Zur Wahrnehmung von automatisiertem Journalismus. [Accurate, objective, unreadable? Perceptions of automated journalism.] Invited presentation at DNIe Roboterjournalismus, Munich.

  • Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2018). Automatisierter Journalismus. Anwendungsbereiche, Formen und Qualitat. [Automated journalism. Applications, types, quality.] In C. Nuernbergk & C. Neuberger (eds.), Journalismus im Internet. Profession - Partizipation - Technisierung (S. 139-160). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Arendt, F., Haim, M., & Beck, J. (5/2018). Fake News, Warnhinweise und perzipierter Wahrheitsgehalt: Zur differenziellen Suszeptibilität in Abhängigkeit der politischen Orientierung. [Fake news, warning labels and perceived truth: Differential susceptibility depending on political orientation.] Presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Mannheim.

  • Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2018). Automatisch interessant? Der Einfluss von Involvement auf die Wahrnehmung computergenerierter Texte. [Automatically interesting? Involvement's influence on the perception of computer-generated texts.] In P. Rössler & C. Rossmann (eds.), Kumulierte Evidenzen. Replikationsstudien in der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung (S. 189-206). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Graefe, A., Haim, M., Haarmann, B., & Brosius, H.-B. (2018). Readers' perception of computer-written news: Credibility, expertise, and readability. Journalism, 19(5), 595-610.

  • Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (2017). Automated news: Better than expected? Digital Journalism, 5(6), 1044-1059.

  • Haim, M., Pache, S., & Graefe, A. (6/2017). Visualisierte Unsicherheit. Wie (unsichere) Wahlprognosen kommuniziert und verstanden werden können. [Visualized uncertainty. How (uncertain) election forecasts can be communicated and understood.] Invited presentation at DDJ Monaco, Munich.

  • Graefe, A., Haim, M., & Diakopoulos, N. (5/2017). Should news outlets let their readers know that they are reading automated content? Effects of algorithmic transparency on perceptions of automated news. Presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego.

  • Graefe, A., Haim, M., Haarmann, B., & Brosius, H.-B. (6/2016). Readers' perception of computer-written news: Credibility, expertise, and readability. Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka.

  • Haim, M. & Graefe, A. (6/2016). Automated news: Better than expected? Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka.

  • Graefe, A., Haim, M., Haarmann, B., & Brosius, H.-B. (10/2015). Readers' perception of computer-written news: Credibility, expertise, and readability. Presented at the 11th Dubrovnik Media Days, Dubrovnik.

  • Oechslein, O., Haim, M., Graefe, A., Brosius, H.-B., Hess, T., & Koslow, A. (1/2015). The digitization of news aggregation: Experimental evidence on intention to use and willingness to pay for personalized news aggregators. Presented at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii. Manuscript in Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society, 4181-4190.